Blood Type, GenoType and Secretor Tests

Ultimate Personalization Pack

2.00 LBS
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Ultimate Personalization Pack

For 21st century wellness.

Looking to lose weight? Live a longer, healthier life? This pack includes everything you need to take control of your own wellness and lifestyle choices based on the factors that make you uniquely you.

The ultimate in personalized nutrition starts with our Ultimate Personalization Pack:

  • Home Blood Typing Kit
  • Secretor Status Collection Kit
  • Home GenoTyping Kit

We’ve bundled our Home Blood-Typing Kit, our cutting-edge DNA analysis Secretor Status Collection Kit and our Home GenoTyping Kit. Together, they will help you uncover a more refined, complete and accurate way to understand your body and learn how to change the way your genes behave! Use your individual genetic makeup to maximize your health.

You will be able to determine your blood type, then go one step further and discover your secretor status which plays a profound role in your health.

Next, the Home GenoTyping Kit will allow you to take the necessary measurements needed for those who want to go beyond the Blood Type Diet to the GenoType Diet—or even further with the personalized SWAMI Diet.

You will get detailed instructions and all the tools you need to take the next steps on the journey to understanding your genetic individuality.

(Due to COVID-19, there may be delays in the typical 21-day lab processing time for secretor status results.)

Important information for NEW YORK residents: Due to New York State regulations, we are unable to process saliva samples collected and/or sent from New York State. If you purchase our Ultimate Personalization Pack, which includes a Secretor Status Kit, you will need to both collect and ship sample from another state. Any samples collected and shipped from New York State will be discarded and we will be unable to provide secretor status. If you are interested in taking a Secretor test but have a New York State address, please do not order this kit until you call us for further information first.

Important information for our INTERNATIONAL customers: This pack is not available for International customers.

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